A Complete Bible for Deaf People
Watch quick clips of sixty-six books in American Sign Language
Historic Accomplishment
The American Sign Language Version (ALSV) was primarily translated by Deaf people, for Deaf people and featured 53 different translators. With the rapidly changing technology Deaf Missions reinvented not only process, but the outcome numerous times over the last 38 years paving the way for other translation work in other sign languages. The ASLV will be used as a resource text for other Bible translations – more than 400 different sign languages exist around the world.
The ASLV is the completion of a thirty-eight-year translation project. Deaf Missions’ team draws from the Christian religious text, the Bible, from its origin languages of Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek into American Sign Language (ASL) using video. ASL users can access the full text using Deaf Missions’ website or app.
For media requests for additional information contact Angie or Shannan at press@Deafmissions.com
Thank You Partners and Supporters!
ASLV Stories of IMPACT
The Deaf Community is filled with some of the most inspiring people you’d ever want to meet.
Their stories of hope and perseverance are a constant source of hope
The American Sign Language Version Changes Everything
Maximum Impact
The ASLV is in the heart language of Deaf people. The highest respect is given to Deaf language and culture, so maximum impact is possible.
Global Distribution
Technology makes worldwide distribution possible to Deaf people everywhere. All that is needed is a computer, tablet, or smart phone.
Direct Communication
The ASLV Bible speaks directly to Deaf people in their heart language.
Historic Accomplishment
The American Sign Language Version is the first Bible by Deaf people for Deaf people.